
Tree Removal

Some trees in Miami provide much needed shade as well as serving as much needed tools for environmental preservation. Some tree are, however, either located sub-optimally, and present security risks or are sited in a location where they negatively affect both property value and human activity. It is essential that special care is taken in each of these situations; special care that can only be provided by the best Tree service in Miami, Aabraham tree service. We like trees. Sure, we remove them, but we do so in a manner that contributes to the entire aesthetic of the environment.


Tree Trimming

We trim trees, smoothing the rough edges, showing them in the best possible light. We transform foliage to art; smoothing curves, straightening lines, all in a bid to ensure that they look their absolute best.



Shrub removal

You know how shrubs can be; difficult, frustrating and doggedly stubborn. Well, our experience, expertise and equipment trump all that. We provide prompt and efficient shrub removal services guaranteed to meet your needs. 



Commercial Tree Service

We provide the best tree care services in the Miami area, catering to a wide variety of clients with needs ranging from the maintenance of acres of varying vegetation to the care of a solitary tree. We possess the experience, the equipment and the skill required to provide the best possible care for your trees throughout the year.

Residential Tree Service

We provide residential tree services catering to clients who require prompt, efficient and experienced handling of all tree servicing needs in the Miami area.

Hurricane Prepping

In recognition of the potential danger unique to the region, we also offer prompt and emergency tree services aimed at the analysis of the danger your trees may pose to your home in the case of a hurricane, and expert management of the situation.



Tree Planting

Tree planting is vital for the well being of the environment, as well as for the provision of shade and the overall beautification of the environment. Tree planting is also very labor intensive, requiring a combination of careful planning,  a fair amount of heavy lifting as well as a certain delicacy to ensure the growth and survival of the trees. We have built a solid reputation on the above qualities, making us the best bet for your tree care needs.


Stump grinding

The job doesn’t end after trees have fallen. Stump grinding is an important aftermath of tree removal that requires experience, skill and all the right equipment. We possess all of the above criteria, as well as the professional zeal to see the job well done.

 Pruning Trees

It’s an often ignored but extremely important facet of tree care. Tree pruning is a labor intensive job that, when it’s done right, changes the entire outlook of your residence or commercial business. Here at Aabraham Professional Tree Service , we have the skill, equipment and experience to have it done right. 

Tree Care

The effect that trees have on how your home or commercial residence is perceived cannot be overemphasized. We provide expert services in the area of tree care generally regarded as the best in the Miami area.

Emergency Service

Call us at anytime to assist with your needs emergency needs.